
2012年5月25日 星期五

The padre and the Lions

An English Padre had wanted to become a member of a certain club in Africa. In order to become a member, each person had to shoot at least one lion. The padre had never shot an animal in his life. So, armed with a rifle and led by a young African boy, the padre set out one evening for a pool in the jungle where he was told a lion came each evening to drink. He waited patiently for a few hours until shortly before midnight when he heard a rustling noise. Sure enough a few feet away the head of the lion appeared above a bush that separated the padre and the pool. He aimed and fired. The head of the lion immediately fell behind the bush but a moment later reappeared. So the padre aimed and fired again. The head of the lion immediately fell behind the bush and once more reappeared. The padre fired again: the same result. He remained calm because he knew he had brought sixteen bullets with him. After his fourth attempt his aim seemed to become more and more inaccurate; in fact, after his fifteenth attempt the African boy had to warn him: “This is your last chance. If you miss this time, we’re in trouble.”

The padre then realized how serious the situation was, so he took a deep breath, aimed very carefully and fired. They waited a moment, then slowly counted up to twenty: the head of the lion did not reappear. The padre was certain that at last he had shot his lion. They rushed forward together to the spot behind the bush. And what do you think they found? Sixteen lions.

l   padre[tdFgqa](n.)神父
l   certain[tkPfQn](a.)確鑿的,無疑的;可靠的;某種程度的
l   arm[Fqm][ armed-armed-arming](vi.)武裝起來
l   rifle[tqAaix](n.)步槍,來福槍
l   lead[p`g][led-led-leading](v.)引導;領路
l   set out動身, 開始
l   patiently[tdTXQnfpa](ad.)耐心地;堅韌不拔地
l   shortly[tXOqfpa](ad.)立刻,馬上,不久
l   rustle[tqSkx][rustled-rustled-rustling](v.) (綢衣,樹葉,紙等)沙沙作響;沙沙作響地移動
l   separate[tkUdQuqTf][separated-separated-separating](v.)分隔;分割;使分離;分開;
l   aim[Tm][aimed-aimed-aiming](v.)瞄準,對準
l   remain[qatmTn][remained-remained-remaining](vi.)剩下,餘留;保持,仍是
l   calm[hFm](a.)鎮靜的,沈著的(n.)安靜;鎮定
l   bullet[teNpaf](n.)子彈,槍彈,彈丸
l   attempt[QtfUmdf] [attempted-attempted-attempting](vt.)試圖;企圖;試圖做
l   inaccurate[ant@hsQqaf](a.)不正確的,不精確的
l   warn[rOqn][warned-warned-warning](v.)警告;告誡;提醒
l   realize[tqaQupAal] (vt.)領悟,了解,認識到;實現;使成為事實
l   serious[tkaqaQk](a.)嚴重的;危急的;令人擔心的;認真的;不是開玩笑的;當真的
l   deep breath深呼吸
l   rush[qSX] [rushed-rushed-rushing](vi),,; 趕緊;倉促行動;

