
2014年4月29日 星期二


[He is just a child.] 他只是個孩子。
[Don't give me that.] 少來這套!
[What do you think?] 你的法呢?
[Who told you that?] 誰告訴你的?
[You can't miss it.] 你一定會找到的。
[Don't be so modest.] 別謙虛了。
[Time is running out.] 沒時間了!
[Move out of my way!] 讓開!
[Is it true or false?] 這是對的還是錯的?
[I'll be right there.] 我馬上就到。
[It's going too far.] 太離譜了!
[The answer is zero.] 白忙了!
[As soon as possible!] 越快越好!
[He always talks big.] 他總是吹牛!
[It seems all right.] 看來這沒問題。
[Speak louder. Please.] 說話請大聲點。
[My mouth is watering.] 我要流口水了!
[It really takes time.] 這太耽誤時間了!
[What's your trouble?] 你哪裡不舒服?
[Don't lose your head.] 不要驚慌失措!
[He can't take a joke.] 他開不得玩笑。
[How are things going?] 事情進展得如何?
[I have been putting on weight.] 我開始發胖了。
[It doesn't make sense.] 這沒有意義! 這不合常理!
[I'm very proud of you.] 我為你感到非常驕傲!
[I'll have to try that.] 我得試試這麼做。
[What happened to you?] 你怎麼了?
[You are just in time.] 你來得正是時候。
[Don't be so childish.] 別這麼孩子氣。
[Don't trust to chance!] 不要碰運氣!
[Let bygones be bygones.] 過去的,就讓他過去吧!

[Just around the corner.] 就在附近
[It is just what I need.] 這正是我所需要的。
[I will never forget it.] 我會記得的。
[That's always the case.] 習以為常了。
[what's wrong with you?] 你哪裡不對勁?
[You are a chicken.] 你是個膽小鬼。
[I will be more careful.] 我會小心一些的。
[I have the right to know.] 我有權知道。
[I am so sorry about this.] 對此我非常抱歉 遺憾。
[You can call me any time.] 你可以隨時打電話給我。
[Which would you prefer?] 你要選哪一個?
[You gotta believe!] 一定要相信!
[You're really killing me.] 你真是笑死我了!
[What horrible weather!] 這鬼天氣!
[You've got a point there.] 你說得挺有道理的。
[Money is not everything.] 金錢不是一切。
[Stop making such a noise.] 別吵了!
[The price is reasonable.] 價格還算合理。
[Would you like some help?] 需要幫忙嗎?
[Let's not waste our time.] 我們不要浪費時間了。
[It's too good to be true!] 好得難以置信。
[I'm not sure I can do it.] 恐怕這事我幹不了。
[I'll just play it by ear.] 我到時隨機應變。
[Don't keep me waiting long.] 不要讓我等太久。
[Are you free this Saturday?] 你這個星期六有空嗎?
[Where do you want to meet?] 你想在哪裡見面?
[Wake me up at five thirty.] 請在五點半叫醒我。
[I will arrage everything.] 我會安排一切。
[Thank you for you advice.] 謝謝你的建議。
[He came to the point at once.] 他一下子就說到重點上了。
[You really look sharp today.] 你今天很漂亮。
[A lost chance never returns.] 錯過的機會永不再來。
[I don't think you are right.] 我不認為你是對的。 我認為你是不對的。
[I haven't seen you for ages.] 我好久沒見到你。
[It's very thoughtful of you.] 你想的真周到。
[What you need is just rest.] 你需要的就是休息。
[The whole world knows that.] 全世界都知道。
[It's none of your business.] 這不關你的事!
[I'm very glad to hear that.] 很高興聽你這樣說。
[What you said was quite true.] 你所說的完全符合事實。
[Thanks for your flattering me.] 多謝你的誇獎。
[What do you desire me to do?] 你想要我做什麼?
[Aren't you concerned about it?] 難道你不擔心嗎?
[Let's go for a walk, shall we?] 我們出去走走,好嗎?

[I have something to tell you.] 我有事要告訴你。


[You set me up!] 你出賣我!
[Enjoy yourself!] 祝你玩得開心!
[Time is money!] 時間就是金錢!
[Keep in touch.] 保持聯絡。
[Give me a hand!] 幫幫我!
[How's it going?] 怎麼樣?
[I have no idea.] 我沒有頭緒
[I just made it!] 我做到了!
[I'll see to it.] 我會留意的
[It's up to you.] 由你決定
[I'm in a hurry!] 我在趕時間!
[What about you?] 你呢?
[You own me one.] 你欠我一個人情
[Are you kidding?] 你在開玩笑吧!
[You're welcome.] 不客氣!
[Congratulations!] 恭喜你!
[I can't help it.] 我情不自禁。
[I don't mean it.] 我不是故意的。
[It's a fine day.] 今天是個好日子。
[It sounds great!] 聽起來不錯!
[I'm on your side.] 我全力支持你
[I'll try my best.] 我盡力而為。
[I have no choice.] 我別無選擇。
[He lacks courage.] 他缺乏勇氣。
[We're all for it.] 我們全都同意
[Well, it depends.] 噢,這得看情況。
[No pain, no gain.] 一分耕耘,一分收穫。
[How's everything?] 一切還好吧?
[Control yourself!] 克制一下!
[So far, so good.] 目前還不錯
[What a good deal!] 真便宜!
[What should I do?] 我該怎麼辦?
[You have my word.] 我保證。
[Believe it or not!] 信不信由你!
[Don't count on me.] 別指望我。
[Don't fall for it!] 別上當!
[The wall has ears.] 隔牆有耳。
[Make up your mind.] 做個決定吧!
[Just wait and see!] 等著瞧!
[It's Sunday today.] 今天星期天。
[Easy come easy go.] 來的容易,去的快。
[I'll be back soon.] 我馬上回來!
[I'll check it out.] 我去查查看。
[It's a long story.] 說來話長。
[Don't let me down.] 別讓我失望。
[I can't follow you.] 我不懂你說的。


[He broke his word once again.] 他又再一次違背他的諾言。
[I see. ]我明白了!
[I quit!]我不幹了!
[Let go!] 放手!
[Go way!] 滾開!
[Not bad.] 還不錯!
[I agree.] 我同意
[Hold on!] 等一等!
[Come on!] 來吧!趕快
[Why not?] 好呀! 為什麼不呢?
[So long.] 再見!
[Shut up!] 閉嘴!
[Not yet!] 還沒!
[I'm full.] 我飽了!
[Have fun!] 玩得開心!
[Be quiet!] 安靜點!
[Allow me.] 讓我來!
[I'm home.] 我回來了!
[I'm lost.] 我迷路了!
[So do I.] 我也一樣。
[This way.] 這邊請。
[My treat.] 我請客!
[After you.] 您先。
[Bless you!] 祝福你!
[Follow me.] 跟我來!
[Forget it!] 休想! 算了!
[I promise.] 我保證。
[I deline!] 我拒絕!
[Take care!] 保重!
[Slow down!] 慢點!
[What's up?] 有什麼事嗎?
[Watch out!] 當心!
[Be careful!] 注意!
[That's all!] 就這樣!
[Never mind!] 不要緊!
[I doubt it.] 我懷疑!
[Guess what?] 猜猜看?
[Time is up.] 時間快到!
[Let me see.] 讓我想想!
[I think so.] 我也這麼想。
[Don't move!] 不許動!
[Is it yours?] 這是你的嗎?
[Keep it up!] 堅持下去!
[I'm single.] 我是單身貴族!
[Bottoms up!] 乾杯!
[Feel better?] 好點了嗎?
[Don't worry.] 別擔心
[Count me on.] 算我一份!
[What's new?] 有什麼新鮮事嗎?
[That's neat.] 這很好。
[Are you sure?] 你肯定嗎?
[Do I have to?] 我非做不可嗎?
[Here you are.] 給你
[No one knows.] 沒有人知道。
[Take it easy.] 別緊張。
[What a pity!] 太遺憾了!
[Anything else?] 還有別的嗎?
[Do me a favor?] 幫個忙,好嗎?
[Help yourself.] 別客氣。
[I'm on a diet.] 我在節食
[You did right.] 你做得對

needa = need to
wanna =  want to, want a
gotta = (have)got to, (have)got a
gonna = going to
gimme = give me
whatcha = what are you, what have you
ya = you
lemme = let me
kinda = kind of
ain't = am not, are not, is not, has not, have not


[The most important thing is not to stop questioning. --- Albert Einstein]
最重要的事就是不要停止懷疑。 --- 亞伯‧愛因斯坦

[The beginning is the most important part of the work. --- Plato]
事情的起頭最重要。 --- 柏拉圖

[Live to learn, not learn to live. --- Francis Bacon]
活著就要學習,學習不是為了活著。--- 法蘭西‧培根

[If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well. -- Thomas Carlyle]
一件如果值得做,就值得去做好。--- 湯姆士‧愛卡賴爾

[Imagination is more important than knowledge. --- Albert Einstein]
想像力比知識更重要。--- 亞伯‧愛因斯坦

2014年4月28日 星期一

Population Control

The world's population continues to grow. There are now about 4 billion of us on earth. That could reach 6 billion by the end of the century and 11 billion in another 75 years. Experts have long been concerned about such growth. where will we find the food, water, jobs, houses, schools and health care for these people?

A major new study shows that the situation may be changing. A large and rapid drop in the world's birth rate has taken place during the past 10 years. Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago. It is happening in both developing and industrial nations.

Researchers said they found a number of reasons for this. More men and women are waiting longer to get married and are using birth control devices and methods to prevent or delay pregnancy. More women are going to school or working at jobs away from their home instead of having children. And more governments, especially in developing nation, now support family planning programs to reduce population growth.

Several nations in Europe already have fewer births than deaths. Experts said that these nations could face a serious shortage of workers in the future. And the persons who are working could face much higher taxes to help support the growing number of retired people.



A major new development in systems of work in Britain is taking place. Flexible working hours, or "Flexitime", are catching on fast, and this trend is continuing. In 1973, over 500 organizations had adopted the idea, and by 1974, this number had risen to over 200,000.

Flexible working hours were invented in Germany in the late 1960's, but reached Britain only 1972. The system allows workers to start and finish work whenever they want, with only two requirements. these are, firstly, that all workers must be present for certain "key" times in the day, and secondly, that all workers must work an agreed total number of hours per week.

The system has proved an almost total success wherever it has been tried. A survey of 700 workers on flexible hours showed three main advantages: a better balance between working and private life, avoidance of the need to travel during rush hours and the ability to be able to finish a certain task before leaving.

From the employer's point of view, the system tends to increase productivity, reduce labor turnover and give the workers a greater sense of duty. At first, "Flexitime" was mainly confined to white collar workers, but it is now being applied to manual workers too.


Basketball is one sport - perhaps the only sport - whose exact origin can safely be stated. During the winter of 1891 - 1892, Dr. James Naismith, a college instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts, invented the game of basketball in order to provide exercise for the students between the closing of the football season and the opening of the baseball season. He attached fruit baskets overhead on the walls at opposite ends of the gymnasium, and, using a soccer ball, organized nine-man teams to play his new game in which the purpose was to throw the ball into one basket and try to keep the opposing team from throwing the ball into the other basket.

Although there have since been many changes in the rules(such as cutting down the number of players on a team from nine to five), the game is basically the same today. The United Stated soldiers introduced it to the Philippines in 1900 and to Europe during World War I, and, being adopted by foreign nations, it soon became a world-wide sport. It is interesting that although basketball was created as an indoor game, in countries other than the United States it is now played almost entirely outdoors.