
2012年5月16日 星期三

Boy Rescued from Drowning

A young man who refused to give his name dived into the river yesterday morning to save a 12-year-old boy.

The boy, who ran away after being rescued, had been swimming in the river and caught his foot between two concrete posts under the bridge. He shouted for help.

At the time, a young man was riding across the bridge on his bicycle. He quickly dismounted and dived fully clothed into the river. He then freed the boy’s foot and helped him to the river bank where a small crowd had collected. The boy thanked his rescuer courteously and sincerely, then ran off down the road. He was last seen climbing over a gate before disappearing over the top of the hill.

The young man, who was about 20 years of age, said, “I don’t blame the boy for not giving his name. Why should he? If he wants to swim in the river, that’s his business. And if I want to help him, that’s mine. You can’t have my name, either!”

He then ran back to the bridge, mounted his bicycle and rode away.

l   rescue[tqUkhsb][rescued-rescued-rescuing](vt.)援救;營救;挽救
l   rescuer[tqUkhsNR](n.)救助者;援救者
l   drown[gqANn][drowned-drowned-drowning](v.)...淹死;溺死;淹沒,浸濕;沈沒;浸沒
l   refuse[qatisbl][refused-refused-refusing](v.)拒絕
l   dive[gAaj][dived,dove-dived, dove-divin](vi.)跳水;潛水
l   run away逃跑, 出走
l   concrete[thFnhq`f] (a.)水泥的;混凝土的;有形的,實在的;具象的;具體的
l   post[dckf](n.);;
l   shout[XANf][shouted-shouted-shouting](v.)呼喊,喊叫;叫嚷;大聲說;大聲叫
l   at the time在那時
l   ride[qAag][rode-ridden-riding](v.)(馬等);(車等);乘坐,搭坐
l   dismounte[gaktmANnf][dismounted-dismounted-dismounting](v.)下車;下馬
l   fully[tiNpa](ad.)完全地;徹底地;充分地;足夠地
l   clothed[hpc\g](a.)穿...衣服的;覆蓋著...,披上...;
l   then[\Un](ad.)然後,接著;那麼;於是
l   free[iq`][freed-freed-freeing](vt.)使自由;解放;使解脫
l   bank[e@Vh](n.);
l   crowd[hqANg](n.)人群;一堆,許多[crowded-crowded-crowding](v.) ,擁擠;擠滿;聚集
l   collect[hQtpUhf][collected-collected-collecting](vi.)聚集,堆積
l   courteously[thPfaQkpa](ad.)有禮貌地;親切地
l   sincerely[kantkaqpa](ad.)真誠地;誠懇地;由衷地
l   run off使流走(溜走)
l   disappear[ugakQtdaq][disappeared-disappeared-disappearing](vi.)消失,不見;突然離開
l   hill[oap](n.)小山;丘陵
l   blame[epTm][blamed-blamed-blaming](vt.)責備,指責
l   mounte[mANnf][mounted-mounted-mounting](v.)登上,爬上;騎上;騎在...
l   ride away騎車離開

