
2012年5月20日 星期日

Computer Boyfriends

Anita Simon is a 28-year-old graphic designer. She works at home and she doesn’t meet many people.

Two months ago Anita saw an advertisement for a computer dating organization. She decided to try and find a boyfriend by computer. She filled in the organization’s questionnaire and paid a $ 5 fee. Two weeks later she received a phone-call from her first date.

Anita told me what happened. “I’m a very shy person. I wrote in the questionnaire that I wanted somebody very different from me. Somebody who finds conversation easy. Somebody who is an extrovert.”

I met this man sent by the organization in a restaurant the following day. It was terrible. He was so shy he didn’t talk to me all evening. Every time he looked at me, he blushed.”

The second man sent to her was worse than the first. Anita is quiet. She likes films, play, reading, listening to classical music. She does not smoke or drink. He was a tall, chain-smoking sports fanatic who spent all his spare time in pubs.

“He told me that he hated all things I love. It’s completely crazy.” Anita said.

She has now told the organization not to send any more “Computer boy friends”.

l   advertisement[u@gjRtfAalmQnf](n.)廣告,宣傳
l   questionnaire[uhrUkfXQntUq](n.)問卷;(意見)調查表
l   fee[i`](n.)酬金,服務費;費用;賞金,小帳
l   shy[XAa](a.)怕羞的,羞怯的,靦腆的
l   extrovert[tUhkfqcjPf](n.)個性外向的人
l   blush[epSX][blushed-blushed-blushing](v.)臉紅;變成紅色
l   worse(a.)(bad的比較級)更壞的,更差的,更惡化的;(ill的比較級)(病情)更重的
l   chain-smoke[chain-smoked,chain-smoked,chain-smoking][tfXTnukmch](vi.)連續不斷地抽香煙
l   fanatic[iQtn@fah](a.)狂熱的;入迷的(n.)狂熱者;盲信者
l   spare[kdUq](a.)備用的;多餘的,剩下的;空閒的
l   completely[hQmtdp`fpa](ad.)完整地;完全地;徹底地

