
2014年9月4日 星期四


[Calm down.]
>> Excuse me. I'm lost.
> Clam down, Where are you going?

>> Oh my God! Oh, no! What am I going to do!
> Just calm down.

>> Cool down.

[Take it easy.]
>> Take it easy. Don't work so hard.
> I can't take it easy. This is due to in orning.

>> Don't over do it.

>> Don;t overextend yourself.

[Don't get so uptight]
*uptight: 緊張、焦慮
>> What? You mean I'm too short?
> Don't get so uptight.

>> Don't get so worked up.

[Don't be so stiff.]
Loosen up. 讓肌肉放鬆

[Kick back!]
>> Kick back, make yourself at home.
> Thanks!

>> Just relax!

>> Take it easy!

>> Just hang loose.

[Take you time.]
>> I'm sorry, I'm going to be a little late.
> That's okay. Take your time.

[There's no need to rush.]
>> Wait! I need to go to the bathroom.
> There's no need to rush.

>> You don't need to hurry.

>> No rush.

>>No hurry.

>>Don't rush on my account. 不必為我那麼急。

