Once upon a time there was a powerful Persian king who, in spite of his lowly birth, wished to act so that no one could suspect
his humble origin.
Having heard of the wisdom of a certain Greek
whom he had imprisoned, he sent for him and asked him his opinion
of a beautiful horse he had received as a present from one of his men. Pleased with clever replies the Greek
had made, he gave him a loaf of
bread as a reward.
A second
time the king sent for him because
he wished to learn the value of some precious
stones he had just received. The Greek’s replies and the reasons he was able to
give were again so admirable that
the king gave him two loaves.
As he
could learn nothing of his own birth, he sent
for the learned man a third time and desired
to know whose son he was. The Greek,
after some hesitation, dared to reply that he must been a
baker’s son, he would have given cities instead
of loaves as a reward for such
l Greek[vq`h](a.)希臘的;希臘人的;希臘語的
l scholar[tkhFpR](n.)學者;人文學者;古典學者
upon a time從前; 古時候
l persian[tdPYQn](a.)波斯的;波斯人的;波斯語的
l lowly[tpcpa](a.) (地位)低下的,卑微的
l birth[ePZ](n.)血統,家世,出身
l in spite of不管
l spite[kdAaf](n.)惡意,心術不良;怨恨
l act[@hf](v.)做事,行動;扮演,充當;假裝;演戲,表演
l so that為了如此...以至於;以便;結果;以致;因此
l suspect[kQtkdUhf](v.)懷疑,疑心;猜疑
l humble[toSmex](a.)(身分,地位)低下的,卑微的;
l origin[tOqQgYan](n.)出身;門第;血統;起源;由來;起因
l having[to@jaV](n.)所有
l wisdom[tralgQm](n.)智慧,才智,明智;賢人
l certain[tkPfQn](a.)確鑿的,無疑的;可靠的;確信的,有把握的;一定會的;某種(或一定)程度的(pron.)某幾個;某些
l imprison[amtdqalz][imprisoned-imprisoned-imprisoning](vt.)監禁;關押;限制,束縛,禁錮
l send for派人去叫;派人去請,讓人去取;郵購,訂購
l pleased[dp`lg](a.)高興的,喜歡的;滿意的
l clever[thpUjR](a.)聰明的,伶俐的;巧的,熟練的, 【口】小聰明的
l reply[qatdpAa](n.)(v.)回答,答覆
l loaf(loaves)[pci](n.)(一條或一塊)麵包
l reward[qatrOqg](n.)報答;報償;獎賞;報應;酬金;賞金;獎品
l precious[tdqUXQk](a.)貴重的,寶貴的,珍貴的
l admirable[t@gmQqQex](a.) 值得讚揚的;令人欽佩的;極好的;絕妙的
l desire[gatlAaq][desired-desired-desiring](vt.)渴望;要求
l hesitation[uoUlQtfTXQn](n.)遲疑;躊躇,猶豫;暫停,停頓
l dared[gUq][dared-dared-daring](v.)敢;竟敢
l instead of代替; 寧願