
2012年6月7日 星期四

Bad Luck on Saturday

“Bad luck always comes in threes” and last Saturday seemed to prove it. After trouble with the car and the television, we spent the evening waiting for the next disaster. Shortly after dinner we both smelled smoke. My wife, who is often careless when cooking, ran to the kitchen but returned looking puzzled. I rushed up the stairs to see wisps of smoke coming from under our bedroom door. I went to the bathroom and tied a damp cloth over my face. Then I returned to the bedroom, opened the door and crawled in – there would be less smoke at floor level. With one hand stretched out in front of me I advanced carefully feeling for the switch to turn off the electric blanket. At that moment I heard the bell of an approaching fire engine. Thank goodness my wife had not been wasting her time.

l  seem[k`m](vi.)看來好像,似乎;感到好像,覺得似乎
l  prove[dqbj](v.)證明,證實
l  disaster[gatl@kfR] (n.)災害,災難,不幸
l  both[ecZ](ad.);;兩者皆
l  careless[thUqpak](a.)粗心的,疏忽的;草率的
l  puzzled[dSlxg](a.) 困惑的,搞糊塗的,茫然的
l  rush up
l  rush[qSX](v.),;使急速行動;急送;急派
l  wisp[rakd](n.)小捆,小把,小束; (煙等的)一縷(交織)
l   tie[fAa](v.),,,
l   damp[g@md](a.)有濕氣的;潮濕的
l   cloth[hpOZ](n.);(,,合成纖維等)織物;衣料
l   crawled[hqOp] ,爬行,蠕動;緩慢地移動,徐徐行進
l   stretch out延長; 伸出
l   in front of...的前面;在某人/某物前面
l   advance[Qgtj@nk](v.)前進;向前移動;使向前移動;推進,促進
l   carefully[thUqiQpa](ad.)小心謹慎地;警惕地;仔細地;周密地
l   feel for用手摸著找...
l   blanket[tep@Vhaf](a.)總括的,全體的
l   approach[QtdqcfX](n.)接近,靠近;即將達到
l   fire engine消防車
l   thank goodness 謝天謝地

